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Gołuchowo 2014
On September 13-14.  Torseed company took part in the XVI  GARDENERS DAYS. This  international  fairs were held in Gołuchów near Kalisz. Our stand attracted a lot of interest, for which we thank all visitors.
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On August 23-24 Torseed company took part in the XII celebrations of Onion and Potato days, which took place in Henrykowo near Środa Wielkopolska. On experimental plots we presented our varieties of onions, such as: Wolska, Torunianka, Octavia and Sopelek. Our stand attracted a lot of interest,…
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 White beetroot Snowball This white beetroot is designated for people who love flavour and consistency of this vegetable, but they don't tolerate a dirty stains on shirts, tablecloths and nails. The Snowball is perfect to prepare white borsch soup, casseroles, beetroot and horseradish and many other salads…
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TORSEED – Przedsiębiorstwo Nasiennictwa Ogrodniczego i Szkółkarstwa S.A. w Toruniu EN